Wednesday, December 2, 2015
The Absence of my Father
This post is the hardest one I ever had to type because It is a personal story on how I forgave someone in past. I wanted to share my story so that I can help anyone who is holding on to anger , or resentment. I thought I would never be able to get over what was done with me ,but watching the video from T.D. Jakes sermon " I never said it would be easy" really help me push through a lot of my past issues. Like I posted in my previous post me and my boyfriend of 6 years got in argument, he left me and went to church. I couldn't go to church so I decided to go online and go to YouTube to look at a T.D. Jakes Sermon. I clicked on the most recent sermon and it was "I never said the it would be easy" and I open my sticky note application to take notes. In the sermon T.D. Jakes ask the question, " What good seed without soil?". This made me reflect back over my life. When you don't have a relationship with God you don't give your self chance to grow and a place to graze. He talked about how being good for the moment won't work in your life you have to be consistent. He touched on the topic wrecking you future running for your past. I thought to my self am I wrecking my future running from my past? I thought about unsolved relationships in the past and the relationship with my absent father came to mind. My father wasn't in my life and every time that he tried to build relationship it always ended in a argument. I realized that my father being absent in my life was causing me physical & emotional stress. My father being unavailable in my life influenced my adult love life. I realized I was looking to my boyfriend to fill the void of not having my father in my life.
I told my self that I have to do something about this because I refuse to let my past stop me from enjoying my future , but I didn't know where to start? My pride wouldn't just let me call my dad up and tell him we need to talk. A week later my sister from my dad side that I never met called me and told me that with my dad and she wanted to meet me. I wanted to meet her so bad and that meant I had to see him because he was bringing her to see me. Him bringing her would make me have to deal with him. We met at the mall and we all talked. He talked about how he wanted a relationship with all of his kids and he talked sincerely apologized for not being in my life. I felt like he was sincere and I needed to let go of the past . I needed to fix it this problem so I wouldn't drag those issues in my other relationships. We now talk on the phone once a week and we talk for a couple of hours. We are rebuilding our communication and no its not perfect , but I'm willing to put in the effort to make It work. Forgiving him released all the built up frustration and anger. I never realized how much pain I was holding inside until I decided to let go. Sometimes I have moments were I think about how he abandoned me , but I pray to God and ask him to remove in spirit that is not like him. Forgiving Is not easy, but if you think about what Jesus went through on the cross it puts your life into perspective. He had to endure people turning his back on him and he forgave them. It made me think of the Bible story when Peter ask Jesus, "How many should one forgive someone who has sinned asked him" Jesus replied : "seventy times seven" (Matthew 6:14-15, Mark 11:25). Deciding to forgive was a heavy weight lifted off my shoulders. If you try it to open your heart and forgive it will be weight off your shoulders too, try it and see!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The Sermon That Help Me Get Over The Storm In My Life
Bishop T.D. Jakes : I didn't say the road would be easy"
I watched this sermon on July 13, 2015 on Sunday Morning I was arguing with my boyfriend. He left my apartment and went to Church. I stayed home because I was upset with him and other things in my life that was going wrong at the time . I open my sticky note applications on my computer and I started tacking notes. I was wreck this day!! I was in tears and I was unhappy with myself , but watching and listening to this sermon changed my life. This video made look back over my life and question my past. I wanted to get down to the bottom of why I was so upset/ angry . I needed to forgive and let go of my past. This sermon was on ( Joshua in the bible ) . In the video he discusses your past and future. Bishop TD Jakes talks about dealing with you past before you can go on with you future. This sermon stuck with me ,because I needed to handle past issues that I had in my life. I encourage you guys to watch this video! You will be blessed by it.
Here is some of my notes from this video that I took on you nay find the notes useful July 13, 2015:
Bishop T.D Jakes Sermons 2015 : I didn't Say it Would Be Easy July 13 2015
.Joshua chapter vs.1-6
What good is seed without soil?
Some of us have seed but we have no soil, we need a place to grow and a place to graze
-When you don't go to church/ You give yourself no place to grow and no place to graze.
- Any body come to grow anybody come to graze?
with no place to grow or graze you become a wonder
- Being good for a moment don't work, It's consistency (steadfast)
-you will miss your blessing if you are not consistent
-Growth takes time inpatient people will never inherit what god has for them.
You can wreck your future running from your past!!
_These people were a homeless
Some people are homeless spiritually or homeless emotionally
Spiritually ( don't know your self)
Emotionally ( have all this love to give but no where to give it)
These people were homeless 430 in Egypt (bondage)
- it's hard to measure up to another mans miracle
GOD says how I was to Moses the same I am with you (joshua)
-Until you develop a appreciation for being you, you will not discover what god can do for you trying to be another person.
-Anything man enough to step I'm man enough to give it to you! (T.D. Jakes) This will ony be done by FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes when God works with you it's not about you it could be your children? great grand children AKA your Family!!
-A lot of the problems you dealing with in your life you inherit ( some of you are still breaking out the mentality of your parents, your childhood, generation curses trying to find yourself ( you've been running )
- If any two or three of you agree touching anything on earth it shall be done
1st agreement comes within yourself some of people can't receive or believe b/c you can't get agreement with yourself ( you're have civil war inside yourself and until you become in agreement you cannot receive what GOD has already given you.
if you don't believe correctly you won't receive correctly!
Joshua didn't have the magic but he had a fight in him!!!
GOD says you got to fight off everything that is squading over your land and over your blessing!!!
WHEN you get ready to reap you have to reap through disagreement; you have change your equipment from sewing in tears into sewing in joy
-When you're upset, depressed, in tears you're not getting any harvest.
-Every mighty thing you do you do you birth it with joy!!
- The more you are under attack the more you worship!!
You have to have inner strength not outer strength
Joshua was looking for physical strength but he had to find his inner strength
Disagreement with the people around you disagreement with the person inside you so you are going to have to be strong
IN ORDER TO BIRTH YOUR MINISTRY YOU HAVE TO PUSH!!!! NO epidural , no pain medicine
In order to give birth to what GOD has given you all structure has to be knocked loose/ knocked out of joint but you have to push!!
GOD didn't say it would be easy but he would be with you!!
-If you can endure the pain you are in you endure it to get your promise!
Promise is in your Pain and it's in your discomfort but the blessing is your pain
His presence is his promise!!
The pain is not for you but the shift of your generation curses
-NO body remembers the pain but later on but they remember the blessings
Bishop T D Jakes Sermons 2015| I Didn't Say It Word Be Easy - Jully 12, 2015." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Forgiveness In Different Religions
Growing up as a Christian a lot of my beliefs revolve around God and having a forgiving spirit. In my opinion we all have committed a sin . Majority of the world religions teaches forgiveness although it may be little different, but all them want you to open your heart and let go of the past. It all leads to showing guidance for the practice of forgiveness. In Christianity forgiveness is such an important role in spiritual life. The Lord’s Prayer exemplifies forgiveness in the Christianity Community:
The Lord's Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
When Jesus was on the cross he says: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"(Luke 23:34), In the Bible Jesus teaches us that we are supposed to forgive unconditionally no matter what. He wants us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:9 and Luke 6:27-31).
Growing up as a Christian a lot of my beliefs revolve around God and having a forgiving spirit. In my opinion we all have committed a sin . Majority of the world religions teaches forgiveness although it may be little different, but all them want you to open your heart and let go of the past. It all leads to showing guidance for the practice of forgiveness. In Christianity forgiveness is such an important role in spiritual life. The Lord’s Prayer exemplifies forgiveness in the Christianity Community:
Forgiveness in Judaism:
Forgiveness in Islam:
Forgiveness is important in Islam. Their followers (Muslims) turn to Allah 24/7 for forgiveness for their sins. When Muslims turn to Allah and ask for forgiveness for their sins, they learn humility. They see humans as weak individuals, so that means they feel like we will all be guilty of something, or be guilty of sinning. In the Islam religion Allah wants his people to repent for their sins and repent. In the Islam religion they put a lot emphases on caring for one another so, asking for forgiveness from someone is important in their religion. In their religion the pray from themselves and they pray for others, so they go to Allah for answers.
Forgiveness in Buddhism:
Where does Buddhism Stand when it comes to forgiving one another??

Buddha feels like we should always forgive and keep forgive one another no matter what. There are scriptures on Forgiving from the teachings of Buddha from many years ago. He teaches an importance of having a peaceful mind and a peaceful way of living. Forgiveness is an important step to achieve a peaceful state of mind. Buddhist don't believe in God created the universe. They don't feel like God so, don't see him as the creator to punish, or forgive someone. They teach importance if forgiving yourself as well as forgiving others. Buddhist believe that if you are unforgiving it gives rise to suffering If you can't forgive you are unable to free yourself from hate. According to the Dhammapada, “Those who attempt to conquer hatred by hatred are like warriors who take weapons to overcome others who bear arms. This does not end hatred, but gives it room to grow." They believe that forgiveness is a path to a better life. They believe in forgiving and meditation. With meditation you are receiving a inner peace and it helps mentally.
Buddhists' Beliefs of Forgiveness." People. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2015.
The Lord's Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
When Jesus was on the cross he says: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do"(Luke 23:34), In the Bible Jesus teaches us that we are supposed to forgive unconditionally no matter what. He wants us to love our enemies and turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:9 and Luke 6:27-31).
Growing up as a Christian a lot of my beliefs revolve around God and having a forgiving spirit. In my opinion we all have committed a sin . Majority of the world religions teaches forgiveness although it may be little different, but all them want you to open your heart and let go of the past. It all leads to showing guidance for the practice of forgiveness. In Christianity forgiveness is such an important role in spiritual life. The Lord’s Prayer exemplifies forgiveness in the Christianity Community:
In Judaism if a person has wronged someone, or
caused any harm to them then he, or she needs apologize. The person who is
wrong is then bound to forgive the person. In Judaism you are supposed to ask
the person for forgiveness three times. Each time you ask them you have
to be sincere and real. After you have asked for forgiveness you, then God hears
your prayer and forgives you for your sin. If the person does not forgive you then they are liable
for the sin. If you sincerely ask for forgiveness and repent then that sin is
wiped away by God and forgiven by him. If you asked for forgiveness and you repeat the same sin, then it is not true repentance. Jewish religion and Christianity has a lot
in common they say Christianity originated from Judaism.
Forgiveness in Islam:
Forgiveness is important in Islam. Their followers (Muslims) turn to Allah 24/7 for forgiveness for their sins. When Muslims turn to Allah and ask for forgiveness for their sins, they learn humility. They see humans as weak individuals, so that means they feel like we will all be guilty of something, or be guilty of sinning. In the Islam religion Allah wants his people to repent for their sins and repent. In the Islam religion they put a lot emphases on caring for one another so, asking for forgiveness from someone is important in their religion. In their religion the pray from themselves and they pray for others, so they go to Allah for answers.
Forgiveness in Buddhism:
Where does Buddhism Stand when it comes to forgiving one another??

Buddha feels like we should always forgive and keep forgive one another no matter what. There are scriptures on Forgiving from the teachings of Buddha from many years ago. He teaches an importance of having a peaceful mind and a peaceful way of living. Forgiveness is an important step to achieve a peaceful state of mind. Buddhist don't believe in God created the universe. They don't feel like God so, don't see him as the creator to punish, or forgive someone. They teach importance if forgiving yourself as well as forgiving others. Buddhist believe that if you are unforgiving it gives rise to suffering If you can't forgive you are unable to free yourself from hate. According to the Dhammapada, “Those who attempt to conquer hatred by hatred are like warriors who take weapons to overcome others who bear arms. This does not end hatred, but gives it room to grow." They believe that forgiveness is a path to a better life. They believe in forgiving and meditation. With meditation you are receiving a inner peace and it helps mentally.
Buddhists' Beliefs of Forgiveness." People. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2015.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
How Do You Forgive Someone? Why should You Forgive?
Deciding to
forgive someone is extremely powerful. It is letting go the anger and the
retaliation. One of the first steps of
forgiving is getting past yourself.
Removing the hurt, pain, and the spirit of wanting to pay them back for
what he, or she did. It is really easy to build up walls and shut them out, but
you only end up keeping yourself prisoner. A lot of the times we end up
thinking about what that person did to you over and over in our mind. We then
tell ourselves that it’s ok to be bottled with hate and anger. When you decide to let go and forgive I think
it is something that you have remind yourself about daily and hourly. Forgiving can be a challenge and sometimes the
old feelings that you thought you put away can come back up and stir up old feelings. Forgiveness doesn’t
mean that you have to forget what was done to you. Accept what was done to you,
that doesn’t necessarily means brush it off like it was nothing the best thing
to do is face it head on. For some people it’s not easy to just to open up, but
you will feel a lot better once it is done. I know forgiving is hard for me so I understand. Remember the whole point of
forgiving is letting go all the anger and bitterness. Sometimes carrying around
all that anger causes stress and health issues on ourselves. The person who did
you wrong may not even know they did wrong, so you should tell them and hear
them out.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
What is Forgiveness?
What is forgiveness? According to Webster,” It is the act of forgiving someone or something”[i]. I define forgiveness as making peace with someone, or something. Forgiveness is one of the most important issues that everyone will face in their life. Everyone has been hurt by someone in their life at one point, or another. Plenty of people and religions see forgiveness as decision to let go of grievances and not seek revenge. Forgiveness can affect your well-being. It is one of the greatest power a human can possess. If forgiveness could be a secret potion that could be bottled up and sold it would save a lot of heart-break in the world. What does it mean to really forgive someone? How do you forgive someone? These are the questions that come to one’s mind when you discuss the topic of forgiveness. Majority of the world religions teaches forgiveness although it may differ, it stills uses the same ingredients: Love, open heart, acceptance, peace, prayer, strength, tears, and time. According to Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, “To forgive is not just to be Altruistic. “It is the best form of self of self-interest. It is also a process that does not exclude hatred and anger. “These emotions are all a part of being human”. “You should never hate yourself for hating others who do terrible things: the depth of your love is shown by the extent of your anger”. Bishop Desmond Tutu then says in his article, “However, when I talk of forgiveness I mean the belief that you can come out the other side a better person”.” A better person than the one being consumed by anger and hatred. “Remaining in the state locks you in a state of victimhood, making you almost dependent on the perpetrator”. “You can move on, and you can even help the perpetrator to become a better person too”. “If you forgive someone the person you are forgiving should acknowledge their part in it as well”[ii].
[i] Merriam-Webster.
Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2015.
[ii] “Desmond
Tutu on Forgiveness”. Write Spirit”. N.p.,n.d,
Web. 04 Dec 2015.
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